Romantic Weddings

5 unique toasts ideas from the world that can make your wedding toast super amazing

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Some consider it an opportunity to impart some wisdom while other considers it a comforting moment for the newly-wed. No matter what, wedding toasts have been a part of wedding since long.

If the legends are to be believed, the tradition of wedding toast originated from France where a piece of bread was kept in a glass of wine and then it was passed among all the guests.

Since then, it has become an essential part of any wedding. Although, there are various ideas to raise a toast for the wedding but, these unique toasts ideas from the world can make your toast for the wedding super amazing.

unique toasts ideas from the world that can make your wedding toast super amazing - 123WeddingCards

Paper wishes in glass

Paper wishes in glass

In Russia and Ukraine, people wash down their wishes in glass of wine or champagne during New Year. For this, their wishes are written down on a piece of paper on the New Year’s Eve and just when the clock strikes 12, they burn the paper and mix the ashes in a glass of wine and gulp it down.

For your wedding, you can write good wishes for the couple and drink it down to wish them all the luck.

Toast with eye contact

Toast with eye contact

In France, Germany and Czech Republic, it is believed that breaking eye contact would bring lots of bad luck. Toasting in these countries is a rigorous process and each one has to toast with each person at the table. Along with this, once your toast is over, you have to keep the glass down on the table before taking a sip.

We don’t know if it would be too tough and rude but, it would not bring any bad luck.

Beer is a big no

Beer is a big no

In most of the countries wedding toast is raised with either wine or champagne but, some do it with beer too. However, no one can raise a toast with beer in Georgia as it is considered that it could bring bad luck.

So, it is time for your wedding toast, make sure that everyone has a glass of champagne or wine in their hand.

Big nose wedding toast

Big nose wedding toast

In Australia, whenever someone raise a toast in a group of friends, they say things like, “Cheers, Big Ears!” and then when they raise their glasses, everyone shouts together, “Same Goes, Big Nose!”

Well, it is to create a funny ambience and it has no historical significance. It is not considered a means of insulting anyone. In fact, it is said with a tone of affection.

Sparkling toast

In Mexico, People raise a unique New Year Eve’s toast that has a dash of shimmer in their toast. For this, they drop a gold ring in their drinks and shout aloud, “Salud” which means good fortune in the coming year.

 If you want, you can try this toast idea as your wedding toast. However, make sure that you don’t swallow the ring.

Sparkling toast

We hope these unique toasts ideas around the world can make your wedding toast super amazing, we from 123WeddingCards wishes you happily married life ahead!!

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Views: 9313

Myself Mr. Atul Gupta is the co-founder of 123WeddingCards. I have years of experience in wedding card designing and have expertise in writing wedding niche blogs. My online portal contains the latest collection of wedding invites with amazing designs. I am passionate about my services. I am a genuine wedding columnist with immense writing skills on wedding related topics, my profound ideas have been signature of many weddings all across the world.

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