Wedding Style

DIY – Out of the Box Ideas by 123WeddingCards

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I know you must be wondering about the world “DIY”, lets simplify it. DIY stands for “Do it yourself”, indicates mending, altering or making something and building without the aid or help of the experts or professionals.  An important tool whether to save money or to give personalized touch, do-it-yourself details make a big impact on the wedding style.

Sometimes, DIY can be tough or tougher than it might look, but when your thought turns into reality its worthy enough to be a world-class planner. But, some sections are meant to be done or mastered by professionals, so don’t overload yourself.

The relevant picks are mentioned on what to take in and what to leave for the pros depending on the situation.  The list helps out in making a dream wedding into reality, but taking into consideration all the pros and cons.

Engaged couples are looking into taking more control over the particulars of their dream wedding. Budget plays an important factor in DIY. Couples usually select a few sections in their wedding depending on their desire, hobby or maybe because of budgetary constraint.

123 wedding cards themeDIY is here to stay for sure, so how you choose the relevant areas to work upon in your dream wedding relatively keeping in mind the budget.

One important section can be choosing or making your own wedding invites, but as per my knowledge online portal, impeccably designs wedding invitations keeping in mind your theme. The invitations are highly customizable as per the occasion, giving it a viable option to look upon. The cards are handmade with artistic designs pertaining to every relevant ceremony.

Wedding Invitation Suite by 123WeddingCards

Another section can be your makeup, if you want to do your worn makeup; you will have all the privacy in your home or hotel room, leaving the worrying thought of booking an appointment for a professional and his or her timely arrival. Just grab your few basics- lipstick, foundation, eye shadow etc, keeping in mind your dressing style. Always do a trial run and take photos before going for it.

A swift way to save money is choosing your ceremony decor, as per the theme and keeping in mind the ceremony duration. The ceremony generally lasts less than an hour, so it always looks like wasting a huge amount of money for costly arrangements. Lot of ideas can go into creating something unique maybe hanging baskets filled with locally grown blooms. It always favors in doing it both Eco-friendly and cost-efficient by buying candles and placing those throughout the space rather than flowers, remaining extras can be used for decorating the aisle.

At same time, various segments needs to be left for professional or expert, may it be baking cake, your wedding photos, catering and music. These sections always need professional touch to make it unique and perfect for theme based weddings.

My insights on “DIY” will surely facilitate whether it’s a destination wedding or even a beach side wedding ceremony. So, dive into your imaginary thoughts and make it real. Have loads of fun!!!!

Views: 5104

Myself Mr. Atul Gupta is the co-founder of 123WeddingCards. I have years of experience in wedding card designing and have expertise in writing wedding niche blogs. My online portal contains the latest collection of wedding invites with amazing designs. I am passionate about my services. I am a genuine wedding columnist with immense writing skills on wedding related topics, my profound ideas have been signature of many weddings all across the world.

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