Wedding Stories

Fantabulous destination wedding in Greece of groom “Richard” & bride “Sarah”

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destinationweddingI never believed in this aphorism There are three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love” but today I am here to share a wonderful wedding story which made me to believe on it and its all about my two close friends Richard and Sarah. We knew each other since our college days.

Since my childhood I had a keen interest in playing as matchmaker. During my school days I use to buy dolls and play matchmaker with them. Talking about Richard I knew recently he became single and was little upset about it. Sarah too had a break up and was going through the same phase.

So I got an idea to play as matchmaker and invited Richard & Sarah for coffee in a small coffee shop near my workplace. Sarah was little reluctant to come but later on agreed to meet us. I knew it might not work at first!  However, around three months later Richard & Sarah started dating and I was so happy. I was amazed to hear about their engagement after six months because I never thought it will work out this way.

Richard & Sarah were together since 6 months and it was a rainy evening near secluded bay when Richard wrote “Sara, Will you marry me? With a rock on the mud but in nervousness he wrote Sara instead of Sarah, but she knew it was for her and she agreed to get married to Richard. Both Richard and Sarah were avid travelers and they always said they would like to get married in a resort near a beach. So, they decided on Greece as their wedding place and it was their favorite as well.

Sarah had no clue of what kind of wedding dress she must wear to look like a fairy angel. So her mother helped her out and took her a very old but amazing dress shop in Cambridge and she chose an ivory colored fishtail dress with one shoulder strap with a bow and it looked just great. Another best thing about this dress was it was easy to pack it up in a hand luggage suitcase. The suit Richard chose was beige in color and wore it with a white short sleeved cotton shirt along with brown leather shoes. In the wedding there were 3 bridesmaids and one of them was the close friend of Sarah.

They each wore floor length green dresses along with pearl colored wedding jewelry and matching flowers in their hair. Richard’s best man wore the same colored suit with white colored cotton shirt. The wedding ceremony took place on the beach near Village Hotel with 50 guests. After exchanging the vows all guests moved to the reception point and celebrated the occasion with beautiful two layered cake followed by a delicious dinner having Greek cuisine and ended it with chocolate and booze. I will always remember that beautiful event and still believe love is the greatest thing that last forever.

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Myself Mr. Atul Gupta is the co-founder of 123WeddingCards. I have years of experience in wedding card designing and have expertise in writing wedding niche blogs. My online portal contains the latest collection of wedding invites with amazing designs. I am passionate about my services. I am a genuine wedding columnist with immense writing skills on wedding related topics, my profound ideas have been signature of many weddings all across the world.

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