Wedding Ideas

How to Manage your Wedding Plans in Short Time

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Big Day coming hurriedly in a Short period of time? Don’t worry, often the best of things arrives when you are really very short of time. Remember, the time when you shop for your entire family in a sale that was meant to last only for a day? The answer you wrote when you barely had 2 more minutes to finish the exam. Life shall never stop throwing its tests and tricks, it is time for you to wear your thinking hat and prove how capable you are of dealing with difficult situation and circumstances. Calm down and relax, we are here to pull you out of this hot water. Mentioned below are the pointers that will help you in your short time wedding planning.

How to Manage your Wedding Planning in Short Time

“Mind over matter. Money over all.”

Good planning is never complete without a great financial plan. No matter how many castles you build in your dreams, everything shall fall off if you do not have the required budget to do so. Count every single penny that you are going to spend on your dream wedding and make a list of places where you shall spend them.

Bridal background with planner checklist

Tip: Keep a portion of your budget aside for some pre-wedding gifts and surprises. After all, a good mood is sure to simplify and smoothen your hard-hitting days of drudgery. Who doesn’t love gifts and surprises? Well, here’s a tip followed by the previous tip- Try gifting some fruits or moisturizer. This would indirectly communicate “I’ll always take care of you”. Plus, since planning a wedding in such a short time is going to be a task for both of you, hence taking care of your partner’s health too should be a priority.

Mind over matter. Money over all 2

“First things first”

Set priorities to gain clarities. A wedding is not a one-day thing that you can easily get done and dusted. It requires proper clarity in terms of what is important to both the bride and the groom, what is less important and what is not important at all. Be assured if it is the wedding venue that shall require a good share of budget or is it the wedding cake that is your priority or maybe the food or the venue. Accordingly, start investing your time and money in making the best of it.

First things first

Once you are through with the budget, it’s time to send the Save The Date wedding invitation cards as it is you are running late so, make it as quick as possible. Wedding planner? Well, it’s up to you if you need one, definitely hiring one can ease your task manifolds. Next step should be, finalizing the venue and the food suppliers, they always require pre-booking. Once you are through with this, it’s time for you to hop in your car and wear the shopping spree! Buy clothes, accessories and what not (Just keep the time in mind)

Save the dates - 123WeddingCards

“Proper preparation prevents poor event”

We understand it is not a cakewalk to manage wedding planning in a short time. Still, try being as witty and as quick as possible. Double check the number of guests who are expected to come, the vendors who are promising on-time delivery, seating arrangement for guests, availability of venue, flowers and the photographer. Are the rooms booked? What about transportation? Well the list will keep going on and on until you tie the knots (at times, it continues even after that…. What about the honeymoon packing and stuff?)


Make notes and be prepared for the worse. Try keeping one back-up for every possible arrangement. Finding a back-up won’t be that difficult, just keep your mind active while doing the research, note down not just the first preference but also, the second preference. This will keep you backed-up.

We hope the quick wedding planning tips would empower you to broadcast a super-hit wedding party that shall be remembered by all. Wish you good luck and happy journey for the coming years ahead.

Views: 5816

Myself Mr. Atul Gupta is the co-founder of 123WeddingCards. I have years of experience in wedding card designing and have expertise in writing wedding niche blogs. My online portal contains the latest collection of wedding invites with amazing designs. I am passionate about my services. I am a genuine wedding columnist with immense writing skills on wedding related topics, my profound ideas have been signature of many weddings all across the world.

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